This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

jueves, 27 de noviembre de 2014

O "Cante Alentejano" já é Património Cultural Imaterial da Humanidade

Três anos depois do Fado, o Cante Alentejano, canto polifónicocolectivo, sem recurso a instrumentos e que incorpora música e poesia, foi hoje classificado pela UNESCO como Património Cultural Imaterial da
O Alentejo é a região sul de Portugal delimitada pelo rio Tejo e a região do Algarve.

Poderão a música, o canto, o fado, o cante,..., servir de instrumentos de coesão social?
"Património é tudo o que somos", logo, desejamos que sim. Para bem da humanidade.

Three years after Fado, the Cante Alentejano, collective polyphonic song, without using instruments and incorporating music and poetry, was today classified by UNESCO as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.
Alentejo is the south region of Portugal confined by the Tagus river and Algarve.

Can music, song, fado, cante,..., serve as instruments of social cohesion?
"Heritage is all we are", thus, we wish so. For the good of humanity.

lunes, 17 de noviembre de 2014

Fados and Legends - Comenius Teachers Meeting in Porto Salvo, Portugal

Sessão de boas-vindas às professoras das escolas parceiras do Projecto Comenius:

Os alunos foram os protagonistas na sessão de boas-vindas às professoras das escolas parceiras do Projecto Comenius "Connecting Schools, Building Citizenship", no passado dia 5 de Novembro. Para além da organização de um brunch com produtos da doçaria tradicional portuguesa, prepararam um momento de Fado - património imaterial da humanidade desde 2011. "Rosa Branca" foi cantada pela aluna Érica Moreno, do 8º C, acompanhada pelo professor de Educação Musical, Pedro Ochoa, no teclado.
Os alunos do 12º C do Curso Profissional de Técnico de Turismo apresentaram a dramatização da "Lenda de Nª Sª de Porto Salvo", narrando a história dos navegadores portugueses do séc. XVI que chegaram a terra sãos e salvos e baptizaram o primeiro promontório que viram de "Porto Salvo", construindo a Capela prometida. Os ensaios estiveram a cargo da sua professora de inglês, Eugénia Barreiros.

Welcome meeting to teachers from partner schools of Comenius Project:

Students were the protagonists in the welcome meeting to teachers from the partner schools of Comenius Project "Connecting Schools, Building Citizenship", last November 5th. In addition to organising a brunch with traditional Portuguese sweets, they prepared a moment of Fado - intangible heritage of humanity since 2011. "White Rose" was sung by student Erica Moreno, 8th C, accompanied by Professor of Music Education, Pedro Ochoa, on the keyboard.

Students of 12th C Professional Course in Tourism Technician presented a dramatisation of "Legend of Our Lady of Porto Salvo", narrating of the Portuguese sea explorers in the 16th century, who arrived to safe land and named the first promontory they saw "Porto Salvo", building the promised Chapel. The rehearsals were in charge of their English teacher, Eugenia Barreiros.

domingo, 9 de noviembre de 2014


During the stay the teachers worked together so as to come up with common decisions about the second year of the project. They also had the opportunity to visit the school, meet the students and discover Porto Salvo and the region including the capital city of Lisboa. All the cultural activities were oeganized by the Portuguese team.



The second meeting between teachers took place in Escola EB 2,3/Aquilino Ribeiro in Porto salvo (Portugal) from 4th to 7th of November 2014.

There were 11 participants.