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domingo, 1 de diciembre de 2013

Escola Aquilino Ribeiro - Porto Salvo - photos Exhibition

Hello fellow colleagues! 

Our Escola E.B. 2,3/S Aquilino Ribeiro has been a member of the UNESCO ASPNET since 1991. It is the main school of a group of schools with 1700 students, from nursery to the 12th grade. It is situated in the parish of Porto Salvo, a subdivision of Oeiras municipality, in the Lisboa metropolitan area, in Portugal

Here it is our "top 10 photo gallery", to the Exhibition "Aubervilliers-Rzeszów-Pontevedra-Porto Salvo", for you to know us in this corner of Europe.

We hope you enjoy it and may one day come here!

The Ponte 25 de Abril and the Cristo Rei,
both ex libris of our capital, Lisboa

Aereal view of Porto Salvo, with the location of our schoolOeiras and Paço de Arcoscities nearby Lisboa and Cascais, in the right bank of river Tejo

Forte e Farol do Bugio, at the mouth of Rio Tejo, in the Oeiras coastline

Praia de Carcavelosgreat beach for surf and body board practice,
with the Forte de São Julião da Barra in the background

The Oeiras City Hall and Palácio do Marquês de Pombal

Parque dos Poetas

Oeiras Parque, the shopping centre

Capela de Nossa Senhora de Porto Salvo 

The entrance to our Escola Aquilino Ribeiro,
Av. Domingos Vandelli, Porto Salvo
The central courtyard of the school

5 comentarios:

  1. Super Ana! Quel soleil, quel paysage... Ça donne envie de venir!

    1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

    2. C'est vrai Marine! Il fait du soleil mais, au-même temp, il fait froid (7º C)
      Cependant, les couleurs, ici au sud de l' Europe, sont plus vibrantes!

  2. Super Ana!
    Quel soleil, quel paysage...ça donne envie de venir!

  3. Preciosas fotos, ya hemos comenzado a construir los paneles de la Exposición. Quedará preciosa
