There are
two kinds of Galician costumes: the one that is daily won, made of a coarse fabric, and the etiquette costume,
basically made of fine fabric and silk.
A woman’s costume is made up of refaixo (an underskirt) , mantel ( a long apron worn on top o the skirt and
tied at the back), mandil a smaller
apron worn on top of the mantelo, a shirt
or blouse, dengue (a short cape covering the shoulders, crossed at the
bossom and tying bac at the back. The dengue
is usually beautifully decorated
with jet and sequins or gems depending on social status. It is only part of the
etiquette costume). The mantón is a
big embroidered shawl worn on top of the dengue.
The head is usually covered by a cap
or a scarf. If women wear nothing on the head, they wear their long hair
plaited or in a bun. Long beautiful earings, usually made of jet and silver are
an important part of the outfit.
The man’s outfit is simpler. It
consisted of gaits, leggings o other forms of underwear, trousers a guird, a
shirt, a waistcoat, a jacket and a hat
or monteira (a cap made of black
velvet and adoned with sequins, tassels and other trimmings)

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